Meet Arlene

Arlene Gonzalez, 21

I am currently living in Overland Park, Kansas but I call San Jose, California home. I am somewhat of an adventurist. I enjoying living in different places; I spent a year in Gilbert, Arizona. I've jumped out of a plane, have my motorcycle license, and now that I live in Kansas I'm awaiting my first tornado chase, maybe. If I'm not lifting weights, eating or slaving as a cashier, it's almost guaranteed I'm enjoying a cup of coffee or tea with a friend at Starbucks. I take my coffee black and my tea green.

What is your workout of choice? I'd have to say my workout of choice would have to be dead lifts. Nothing makes me feel stronger than dead lifts. Currently lifting 135 but am adding more weight on every week! One day I hope to be in the 200 club!

What inspires you? The change in the person I was a year ago to the person I am today. Mentally and physically. Also, many people in the fitness community; everyone's fitness journey is different and everyone's progress is unique to them. I have made friends with people in the fitness community whose stories and progress inspire me daily. They are always there if I'm having a rough day/week and lacking motivation.

What is your favorite dish? PROTEIN WAFFLES. They are my current obsession. There are so many ways to make them different every morning by using different flavored proteins and different toppings. Cookie butter on top is my favorite. (If you haven't tried it- you must go buy a jar at Trader Joe's)

Why fitness? I'm going to answer this question with my favorite quote. "It's a combination of wanting to be strong, fit, and healthy and enjoying the stress release. If you're healthy all around you feel better, and if you feel better you'll have a more positive outlook. It's all connected."

What’s in my gym bag? Blender Bottles galore! I have one with my post work out protein, one with my aminos and my Chug Life water bottle. I also have two pairs of lifting gloves, headphones, a nike armband, and my gym bag must have my polar watch! I also keep either a GoLean bar or a Quest bar in case I'm on the go after my work out, gotta make sure you get your carbs feed post workout!

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